Monday, October 25, 2010

ApacheCon US 2010 - Come learn about Tuscany and SCA and meet some of the core project developers

Want to learn more about Apache Tuscany and SCA ? Come to join us at ApacheCon Atlanta, attend the Apache Tuscany Track sessions (Thursday, Nov 4th) and met some of the core project developers.

Building applications with Apache Tuscany
Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Building Cloud Native software
Paul Fremantle

SCA Reaches the Cloud
Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Building RESTful services using SCA and JAX-RS
Luciano Resende

High performance cloud-enabled SCA runtimes
Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Photark/Tuscany Integration
Avdhesh Yadav

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Apache Tuscany SCA Java 2.0-M5.1 released

The Apache Tuscany team is pleased to announce the 2.0-M5.1 release of the Java SCA 2.0 project.

Apache Tuscany/SCA provides a runtime environment based on Service Component Architecture (SCA), which is a set of OASIS specifications aimed at simplifying SOA application development. The main purpose of this minor release is to fix the Tuscany Runtime to restore support for running SCA applications in the Google AppEngine environment.

See the RELEASE_NOTES and CHANGES file for more details about the release, and to download the distributions please go to:

To find out more about OASIS Open CSA go to:

Apache Tuscany welcomes your help. Any contribution, including code, testing, contributions to the documentation, or bug reporting is always appreciated. For more information on how to get involved in Apache Tuscany visit the website at:

Thank you for your interest in Apache Tuscany!

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