Monday, September 28, 2009

Apache PhotArk M1-incubating released

The Apache PhotArk team is pleased to announce the release of Apache PhotArk M1-incubating.

Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access control layer, and upload capabilities. The idea is to have a rigid design for the content repository with a very flexible display piece. The images in the content repository will be protected with granular access control.

PhotArk gallery currently allows you define a set of albums hosted locally, and also allows you to aggregate external albums exposed as feeds (e.g from Flickr or Picassa web) and provides a default web UI for album navigation.

For full details about the release and to download the distributions please go to:

Apache PhotArk uses SCA/Apache Tuscany composition for it's services and Web 2.0 bindings to provide Ajax style Gallery UI.

Apache PhotArk welcomes your help. Any contribution, including code, testing, contributions to the documentation, or bug reporting is always appreciated. For more information on how to get involved in
Apache PhotArk visit the website at:


Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuscany SCA helloworld-jsp is up and running on Google App Engine

I managed to get an variant of Tuscany SCA helloworld-jsp working on Google App Engine. The application is now up and running at [1]. The composite contains, implementation.web and a JSP using SCA taglibs.

During the bring-up, I made a few minor changes to Tuscany 2.x code base to fix the two classes that break the the App Engine JRE Class White List:

* ( is restricted)
* (subclassing java.lang.reflect.Proxy is not allowed:

I have checked in the fixes into trunk and the application into my sandbox at [2]. After checkout, you can run "mvn" to copy the Tuscany jars into the war/WEB-INF/lib folder. Then you can load the project into Eclipse if you have the Google App Engine Eclipse plugin is installed (See [3]).

We can try to get Web Service binding working as the next step.


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