Friday, February 20, 2009

Apache Tuscany SCA 2.0 M1 Released

The Apache Tuscany team are pleased to announce the 2.0 M1 release of
the Java SCA project.

Apache Tuscany provides a runtime based on the Service Component
Architecture (SCA) which is a set of specifications aimed at
simplifying SOA Application Development. The SCA specifications are
being standardized at OASIS as part of the Open Composite Services
Architecture (Open CSA).

The Apache Tuscany SCA 2.0-M1 release is the first milestone on the
road to a full Apache Tuscany SCA 2.0 release. The goal of Apache
Tuscany SCA 2.0 is to provide an OSGi based SCA runtime that is
compliant with the OASIS SCA specifications.

With this first milestone release, a solid OSGi foundation is in place
to support the development, build, testing and deployment of Tuscany
modules and extensions following OSGi best practices. The first steps
have also been taken to incorporate the latest OASIS SCA draft

In subsequent milestone releases the compliance gap with the OASIS
specifications will continue to be narrowed and, now that the OSGi
infrastructure in place, OSGi/SCA integration at the application level
will be explored further.

Feature Overview

The Apache Tuscany SCA 2.0-M1 release includes implementations of the
main SCA specifications and some recent updates from Open CSA drafts including:

* SCA Assembly Model V1.0
* SCA Policy Framework V1.0
* SCA Java Common Annotations and APIs V1.0
* SCA Java Component Implementation V1.0
* SCA Web Services Binding V1.0

It also includes implementations of features not yet defined
by SCA specifications, including:

* SCA bindings for RMI.
* Databindings for JAXB, Axis2's AXIOM, DOM, SAX and StAX

In milestone one Tuscany SCA supports the following host-deployment options: -

* running standalone
* running in a OSGi enabled runtime Environment (Equinox)
* running with distributed nodes across multiple JVMs but
without domain configuration support

For full details about the release and to download the distributions
please go to:

Apache Tuscany welcomes your help. Any contribution, including code,
testing, contributions to the documentation, or bug reporting is
always appreciated. For more information on how to get involved in
Apache Tuscany visit the website at:

Thank you for your interest in Apache Tuscany!

The Apache Tuscany Team.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Tour of Tuscany Information Resources

Whether you are a seasoned developer or a new user trying to understand a Tuscany module in more depth, it helps to have a picture of available information resources for Apache Tuscany. This article provides a brief overview of some important information links.

Apache Tuscany Site - this is the main site for getting Tuscany news, finding the latest downloads, getting an overview of the Tuscany architecture, or learning about Tuscany in depth. There are many articles on how to submit a bug, how to setup and run Tuscany, how to build and contributes fixes, how to run samples, and much more.

Apache Tuscany Blog - this blog. It is a place for posting news releases, public annoucements, and many interesting facts and topics. You can subscribe to it with a feed reader and be sure to catch all the latest Tuscany news. You can also meet the bloggers, click on their names, and see many more personal blogs, much of it Tuscany-related.

Mailing Lists - you can subscribe to user and dev lists and receive a prolific stream of day-to-day information and discussions on Tuscany. Get a digest or individual emails in your mail reader. Meet the developers. Get help. Respond to this-minute topics. Find which fixes have been committed.

Apache Tuscany Jira List - Browse the issue list to see what developers have recently resolved. Request a new feature. Report a defect. Read comments on issues that are important to you.

Freenode IRC - Internet relay chat at This is a quick way to get a quick answer. See an exception or error message you don't understand? Shout it out here. There are developers listening around the world who can answer your questions on the spot.

Tuscany Video On Demand - see Tuscany presentations in video format. See desktop demonstrations of samples, installs, and other basic features. See synchronized slide shows to developer discussions.

This is just an overview list to get you started. When you visit these sites you will see many more links to more detailed information. Enjoy learning and have fun with Apache Tuscany.
