Apache Tuscany, we have been experimenting with
Google Android Platform to build Mobile SOA Applications, and we now have couple Android based samples that demonstrate a Android mobile application consuming SCA services available on the cloud.
Store-android: A front end to our "Store Getting Started Guide" that consumes the catalog and shopping cart services and allow you to shop for fruits and vegetables.
SCATour-android: A front end to the "SCA Tour" scenario that allows you to search for trips direct from your Android phone.
If you are reading here, you are interested on this topic and might want to get hands-on and run this applications... below are the necessary steps to get the Tuscany/Android sample applications running:
1) Install Android SDK following the steps described in
Android SDK Installation Guide:
curl -O
2) Install Android Eclipse Plugins (Android DDMS and Android Development Tools):
- Start Eclipse, then select Help > Software Updates....
- In the dialog that appears, click the Available Software tab.
- Click Add Site...
- Enter the Location below and click Ok: - Back in the Available Software view, you should see the plugin listed by the URL, with "Developer Tools" nested within it. Select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Install...
- On the subsequent Install window, "Android DDMS" and "Android Development Tools" should both be checked. Click Next.
- Read and accept the license agreement, then click Finish.
- Restart Eclipse.
3) Create a Android Virtual Device (AVD)
cd ~/opt/android-sdk-mac_x86-1.5_r2/tools
android create avd --name android-1.1 --target 1
android create avd --name android-1.5 --target 2
4) Configure the Android Eclipse Plugins to point to the Android SDK
- Start Eclipse, then select Eclipse->Preferences->Android
- Point to the directory where you installed the Android SDK in step 1.
You you should be ready to run Android applications. Now let's add the Tuscany Android samples to your Eclipse IDE and run it.
1) Checkout Tuscany code and create Eclipse IDE project for the samples we are going to use :
svn co java-1.x
cd java-1.x/samples/store
mvn eclipse:eclipse
2) Import the sample projects into Eclipse
- Start Eclipse
- Select File->Import : General->Existing Projects into Workspace
- Select root directory : java-1.x/samples/store
- Select File->Import : General->Existing Projects into Workspace
- Select root directory : java-1.x/samples/store-android
3) Launch the store sample application
- In eclipse project (sample-store), run the as a Java Application
4) Launch the store android application
- In eclipse project (sample-store-android), run the project as a Android Application
You should now have your Android Fruit Store up and running, accessing the Catalog and Shopping Cart services from the regular store application we have started in step 3.
Tuscany Getting Started Guide : The Fruit Store Application scenario.
I also want to give the special Thanks to our 2009 GSoC Student,
Lookman SANNI, for the recent updates to the Store-Android sample and ui.
Labels: Android, Apache Tuscany, SCA