Friday, March 23, 2007

SCA on

This is an interesting discussion thread on SCA if you have not seen it yet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

SCA/SDO goes to OASIS, could be to SOA what Java EE was to n-tier computing

Monday, March 19, 2007

Conference: Apache Tuscany at Java Symposium

If you happen to be in Vegas having fun at Java Symposium, stop by to meet some members of the Tuscany Community that are presenting on Wednesday, March 21 at 10:10 AM.

Apache Tuscany: Not the Same Old Architecture
Jim Marino, Jeremy Boynes and Merraj Kunnumpurath

Do you think of the popular term SOA as the "Same Old Architecture" concept?

The Apache Tuscany Project moves SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) beyond buzzwords and into reality. The project aims to create a next-generation services infrastructure in open source based Service Component Architecture (SCA). With Apache Tuscany, application developers will be able to create, assemble, and deploy service networks in ways that are not easily done or possible with existing middleware. This talk covers how Apache Tuscany simplifies the task of creating and assembling service-based applications using SCA.The talk will also cover where the Tuscany project is headed and how it will help developers build tomorrow's applications today, with an emphasis on real-world scenarios .

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Article: The Holy Grail of services: SCA

John Hunt just published an article around SOA and SCA.

How many times lately have you come across a column on Service Oriented Architecture (or SOA)? Or an article telling you that SOA is the next big thing? Or that SOA is the way we should all be building systems?

Personally, it seems to happen to me all the time. Recently, I was in a hotel in Frankfurt, and was waiting in the lobby to meet up with a colleague for dinner, when I picked a business magazine form a table in the lobby. The headline article on the front of the (English language) magazine was all about SOA!

And around SCA Implementations

SCA Implementations

There are currently at least two SCA implementations that you might like to take a look at. The first is the Apache Tuscany incubator project – you can download it here. This project provides a reference implementation of the core features of SCA. At present, SCA supports Java and C++ (although it should be noted that the SCA standard is intended to support a wider range of languages and environments). Tuscany also provides an implementation of the Service Data Object (SDO) standard that is used within SCA to handle different forms of data within services. It also provides an implementation of the Data Access Service (DAS) that provides a service interface to relational databases.

IBM offers another implementation of the SCA standard, as part of its Feature Pack for SOA for WebSphere 6.1. This is built on top of Tuscany and can be viewed as a customisation of Tuscany that simplifies SCA projects when deployed to WebSphere.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Exposing a legacy C application as a Tuscany Service Component

Mario Antollini recently posted his experiences of using the Tuscany SCA Native runtime to expose a legacy C application as a Tuscany Service Component. Check out the slides he wrote, and if you want to chat about this, reply to his mailing list post.